1503 level = 3, 1504 level = 4 – Motorola 68P02958C00-B User Manual

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Software Diagnostics Output


## 1503 LEVEL = 3

Control channel Configuration parameters:
Wait for control - channel - access timeout Sec

: %% 1

Warmup control - channel time mS

: %% 1

Transmission timeout Sec

: %% 1

Wait for holdup timeout Sec

: %% 1

Holdup control - channel time mS

: %% 1

Shutup control - channel time mS

: %% 1

Current status of control channel : 2

Is transmission enabled : %%

: %% 2

1. The piggyback control channel access parameters used for its diagnostics and configuration. The

meaning of the parameters is the same as in Line, Radio or Trunk.

The piggyback control channel current status:

2. Yes - Transmitting to the control channel is enabled.

## 1504 LEVEL = 4

fskadp device - current state variables

Did plug - in modem fail test ?

- %% 1

Is trunk radio configured ?

- %% 2

Is channel monitor LED on ?

- %% 3

Is driver waiting for CTS at grant state ?

- %% 4

Is task suspended on Tx_start_1 ?

- %% 5

Is task suspended on Tx_start_2 ?

- %% 6

Is task suspended on hc11_end_of_Tx ?

- %% 7

Current module state

: %% 8

Time remaining for current state mS

: %% 9

Current transmitted channel

: %% 10

Current accessed channel

: %% 11

Current channel quiet time mS

: %% 12

Current channel busy time mS

: %% 13

Trunk channel status :

How long does channel not exist mS

: %% 14

Is transmission enabled ?

(Is TxEn Active)

: %% 15

Is PTT pressed when asking for TxEn

: %% 16

How much time remains for PTT pressing or reset mS

: %% 17

Next warmup will be performed on channel

: %% 18

Next warmup will be performed with priority

: %% 19

General parameters of FSKADP (or DEVICE OCOM) module state. Notice that parameters related to

trunking are relavant if “ Is trunk radio configured” is set to “Yes”. :

1. Yes: Piggyback failed on first test; therefore cannot be transmitted to.

2. Yes: Radio trunk was defined in configuration.

3. Yes: LED, CM3 are on. (There is reception from one of the channels).

4. Yes: Waiting for CTS from piggyback, after completing Channel Access process, in order to begin


5. Yes: OCOMM module is waiting in transmission until descriptor is available (TxBD).

6. Yes: OCOMM module is waiting in transmission until current transmission is over.