263 level = 3 – Motorola 68P02958C00-B User Manual
Page 315

Software Diagnostics Output
## 263 LEVEL = 3
HDLC software control and status :-
Internal software data (key)
: %% 1
Internal hardware registers
: %% 2
Internal hardware parameters
: %% 3
Current mode parameters
(MODE_BACKUP) : %% 4
Current rate parameters
(RATE_BACKUP) : %% 5
Current sync parameters
(SYNC_BACKUP) : %% 6
Address mask parameters
(MASK_BACKUP) : %% 7
Address data parameters
(ADRS_BACKUP) : %% %% %% %% 8
Current channel name
(CHAN_BACKUP) : %% 9
Current channel data
: %% 10
Current channel code
: %% 11
Current heap name
(HEAP_BACKUP) : %% 12
Current heap name
: %% 13
Current heap data
: %% 14
Current channel port
: %% 15
Reception data lock
: %% 16
Transmission data lock
: %% 17
Reception next free
: %% 18
Transmission next free
: %% 19
Reception data header
: %% 20
Transmission data tail
: %% 21
Communication signals
(HDLC_SIGNAL) : %% 22
Communication buffer
: %% 23
Communication HDLC lock
: %% 24
Communication time lock
: %% 25
Communication time data
: %% 26
Communication status
: %% 27
: %% 28
Communication preset/timers
: %% %% 29
: %% %% 30
1. Device key address.
2. H-W registers address.
3. H-W parameters address.
4. Working mode of the channel (synchronous, asynchronous, DTE, DCE).
5. Communication baud rate.
6. Not relevant.
7. Not relevant.
8. The addresses to which this site will respond through this port.
9. The channel access name.
10. The channel access device key.
11. Channel access pin table.
12. The heap name (HP_F_RX).
13. The heap device key.