Motorola 68P02958C00-B User Manual
Page 450
Error Messages
Error #934:
MODBUSTM module, Function %%
The MODBUS reply frame CRC is not correct
CRC error in MODBUS reply frame.
Error #935:
MODBUSTM module, Function %%
The size of RTU PLC format reply is too large or too small
The master should not send frames or poll for frames longer than 140 bytes.
Error #936:
MODBUSTM module, Function %%
No support for broadcast. Frame ignored
The MODBUS module does not support broadcasts.
Error #937:
MODBUSTM module, Function %%
MODBUS to RTU PLC format translation of control failed !!
Unable to interpret MODBUS format frame. May indicate system software
problem. Consult product group.
Error #938:
MODBUSTM module, Function %%
RTU to MODBUS format translation of reply failed !!
Unable to combine MODBUS reply. May indicate system software problem.
Consult product group.
Error #939:
MODBUSTM module, Function %%
The received frame is too long for the RX buffer of the module !!
The MODBUS master should not send frames or poll for frames longer than
140 bytes.
Error #940:
MODBUSTM module, Function %%
The size of translated to RTU PLC format control is too large for the buffer
The received MODBUS frame is too long.
Error #941:
MODBUSTM module, Function %%
The RTU PLC reply format buffer is less than 2 bytes!
May indicate system software problem. Consult product group.
Error #942:
MODBUSTM module, Function %%
The RTU PLC format NACK buffer is greater than 2 bytes!
May indicate system software problem. Consult product group.
Error #943:
MODBUSTM module, Function %%
The RTU PLC format spare field is not 0 !!
May indicate system software problem. Consult product group.