Motorola 68P02958C00-B User Manual
Page 427

Error Messages
Error #81:
No Fixed transactions Table Was Assigned To Slave
A fixed transaction was received but the fixed transaction table was not
downloaded into the slave.
Error #82:
Bad transaction Format
Illegal transaction. For example: 'Z' (table number) does not exist.
Error #85:
Trying To Comm. After Session Was Ended
Illegal communication. The transaction ended but data still arriving. This may
occur due to differences in the data structure of master and slave.
Error #86:
Transaction Length Exceeds 256 Bytes
Transaction is too big.
Error #87:
Bad transaction Flags: %%
Undefined bits are set in the flags area of the transaction.
Error #88:
Data too long
Due to differences in the data structure between master and slave, spare data is
Error #89:
Data too short
Due to differences in the data structure between master and slave, only part of
the data has arrived.
Error #95:
Queue in fram_seq is full
The Rev Seq queue is full and the application did not get the frames.
Error #96:
Trouble in queue: %%
Illegal management of linked buffers.
Error #100:
Trying to access illegal logical channel in transport layer
Illegal logic channel for the device.
Error #101:
Illegal data in transport layer structure
Illegal data for the device.
Error #110:
Illegal number of logical channels in transport multiplexer
The actual number of logical channels is bigger than the number defined during
the creation of the device.