1502 level = 2 – Motorola 68P02958C00-B User Manual

Page 367

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Software Diagnostics Output


8. The minimum waiting time (in msec) between one frame transmission and the next. It is measured

from the end of the constant tone of the last transmission.

9. To detect a busy channel:

Channel Monitor - The channel is busy when C.M. is active.
Tone Detect - The channel is busy when there is tone on the channel.

10. The amount of quiet time on the radio (msec).

11. The amount of busy time on the radio, meaning Radio Tone Detect is active.

## 1502 LEVEL = 2

Trunk Radio Configuration parameters :
Is trunk radio configured ?

: %% 1

No trunk-channel time before requesting TxEn


: %% 2

No trunk-channel time before requesting TxEn


: %% 3

Quiet Trunk-channel time before requesting TxEn


: %% 4

TxEn-request PTT active time mS

: %% 5

TxEn-request PTT non-active time mS

: %% 5

Wait for trunk-channel-access timeout Sec

: %% 6

Warmup trunk-channel time mS

: %% 7

Transmission timeout Sec

: %% 8

Wait for holdup timeout Sec

: %% 9

Trunk-channel holdup time mS

: %% 10

Trunk-channel shutup time mS

: %% 11

Current status of trunk :

Trunk-channel quiet time mS

: %% 12

Trunk-channel busy time mS

: %% 13

Channel does not exist time mS

: %% 14

Is txen active ?

: %% 15

Is PTT pressed and txen requested ?

: %% 16

Time remaining for PTT pressing or reset mS

: %% 17

1. YES - Trunk has been defined in configuration. Radio transmissions are via trunk.

NO - Trunk not used (regular radio transmission).

2. When the channel does not exist, this parameter determines the allotted time (in msec), to ask for

TxEn (transmit enable). This parameter is relevant if one of the functions, TxWdth or TxIntr was
called with Tx_Lnk=1 (Tx_Lnk=LoTrnk or Radio).

3. When the channel does not exist, this parameter determines the allotted time (in msec), to ask for

TxEn (transmit enable). This parameter is relevant if one of the functions, TxIntr or TxWdth was
called with Tx_Lnk=11.

4. When the channel exists and is quiet, this parameter determines the time (in msec) until asking for

TxEn (transmit enable). This parameter is relevant if one of the functions, TxWdth or TxIntr has
been called with Tx_Lnk=11 (Tx_Lnk=HiTrnk).

5. These two parameters, are used to determine the PTT active time (pressed) and PTT release time

after the transmit enable TxEn request (both in msec).

6. Maximum waiting time (in msec) for available channel for transmission. If at the end of this period,

the channel is not available, the system provides a failure notice and the transmission attempts will
be terminated.