Network configuration window – Motorola 68P02958C00-B User Manual

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Network Configuration


Network Configuration Window

To start Network Configuration, double-click the Network Configuration icon in the
IP Gateway ToolBox folder. Click on the New icon or select New from the File menu. The
following is displayed.

The network configuration is defined in this window.

In the displayed table, you define the accessible (logical) links for every site that serves as a
node. A site that uses two or more communication ports and does not serve as a node should
not be defined in Network Configuration. If, for example, Site 1 is directly connected to Link
1 and to Link 2, both links are added to the Site entry in the table.

For each site, you may define up to six links (minimum two links to define a site as a
communication node). Just click the Site ID box, type the Site ID, and then for each Link ID,
open the drop-down list and select the appropriate value.

In the example below, Sites 1, 2, and 3 serve as nodes, each connected to two links. Data
packets can be relayed from Site 1 to Site 2 over RSlink2. The DIAL link enables connection
via dialup modem from Site 1 to any other site attached to a modem. From Site 3 to Site 2,
LINE1 is used. To display a more detailed version of the configuration, with all possible
communication through the site, see View As Text below.