Pitney Bowes MapXtreme User Manual

Page 444

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Chapter 24: Using the GeoDictionary Manager

The GeoDictionary Manager’s User Interface

MapXtreme v7.1


Developer Guide

Set the matching table properties for a given table using the Properties dialog box. To access the
Properties Dialog box, click the Properties button, or double-click on any table name in the
Registered Tables list.




The GeoDictionary edit box contains the full path to the GeoDictionary that is
currently being managed. The button (to the right of the GeoDictionary edit
box) allows the user to browse for another GeoDictionary to manage. Both
binary and XML GeoDictionary files can be opened, but only the XML format
is saved.

Registered tables

The Registered Tables list box contains a list of the friendly names for all
tables registered in the GeoDictionary. Highlight a particular table to either
unregister it or modify its properties. Double-clicking a table brings up the
Properties dialog box to edit those properties.


The Register button brings up the common File Open dialog box, with the
Files of Type combo box set to “MapInfo Tables (*.tab)”. After the table has
been chosen from the file picker, the Table Properties dialog for that table is
displayed. If you choose multiple files in the File Open dialog box, a
Properties dialog box is opened for each table added.


Pressing this button removes the selected table from the GeoDictionary. You
can also select multiple tables (by shift-clicking) for unregistering. The
Unregister button does not remove the files from the disk.


The Properties button brings up the Table Properties dialog box for the
selected table. See the Table Properties dialog box below.


The New button clears the fields on the screen allowing the creation of a new
GeoDictionary file. When you choose to close this GeoDictionary file you are
prompted to save your changes.


The Save button saves the current file as XML, regardless of the format of
the file when it was opened.

Save As

The Save As button allows you to save the current file to a new name or


The Exit button closes the application. If you have modified the
GeoDictionary file you are prompted to save your changes.