Liquid quality control – ITC IRMA TruPoint Blood Analysis System User Manual
Page 58

• When EQC Lockout is on, an EQC test failure at any time (i.e., even if
EQC passed earlier on a shift) will lockout patient testing. Following an
EQC test failure, a passed EQC test is required to resume patient testing.
Refer to Section 7- QC Lockout for configuration instructions.
This section of the manual describes the liquid quality control test
procedure following set up of the control parameters (control type, lot
number, level, and limits) by the QA User. If controls have not been
established, the Unable to run QC Test, No Controls Defined message will
appear when an liquid QC test is attempted.
Before the test is started, review the control sample preparation recom-
mendations described in steps 15-17 on page 3.10.
• The IRMA TruPoint system requires liquid controls to verify cartridge
shipping and equilibration conditions. Control, linearity, and proficiency
testing material recommendations and ranges are available on the ITC
website ( or from your service provider or ITC
Technical Services.
• IRMA TruPoint BG, CC and LA cartridges require liquid blood gas
control, linearity, and proficiency testing material. Do not use
perfluorocarbon- based materials.
• The IRMA TruPoint cartridges require controls that contain physiologic
concentrations of electrolytes (i.e., controls that have assayed values for
electrolytes on the control package insert), even if electrolyte results will
not be reported.
• The IRMA TruPoint system requires hematocrit controls that are intended
for use with conductive hematocrit methodologies.