Maintaining the kit – IntelliTrack Check In/Out User Manual
Page 393

Chapter 19
CE Batch Check In-Out
If you do not want to save this kit, tap the Clear button to clear the kit
data from the screen and cancel adding this kit to the application. All
information in the Build a Kit screen except the Site selection clears.
The application is ready to build another kit.
When you are finished adding items to the kit and are ready to save the
kit to the application, tap the Save button to save the kit to the applica-
tion. The kit is saved to the application; all information in the screen
clears except for the Site selection. The application is ready to build
another kit. Once a kit item ID is created and saved to the application,
you may work with it at the Maintain a Kit screen; please see
the Kit
You are able to work with an existing kit item ID at the Maintain a Kit
screen. (Kit item IDs may be downloaded from the workstation or created
at the Build a Kit screen. You cannot create a kit item ID at the Maintain a
Kit screen.) A typical use for this screen is to ensure that all items in the kit
are returned to the kit after a kit check out/kit check in occurs, and that the
kit accurately contains its kit items.
At the Maintain a Kit screen, verify kit items, add items to the kit, or
remove items no longer in the kit. To work with existing kit item IDs in the
application, please refer to the steps that follow for maintaining a kit.
From the Main screen, select Check Out > Kits > Maintain a Kit. Page 363 Thursday, July 7, 2011 2:29 PM