IntelliTrack Check In/Out User Manual

Page 377

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Chapter 18

CE Batch Inventory


For a check out move, enter the Item ID to be moved in the Item ID
field. If you move a kit item ID, all items in the kit are also moved. If
you move an item ID that is part of a kit, this item will be moved and
removed from the kit.
If you add a new item ID, the system will prompt you for an item num-
ber to be associated with it.

If you are adding a new kit item ID, use the Build Kit screen.


For a consumable move, enter the destination location in the Location
field of the Destination tab.
For a check out move, enter the destination location in the Location
field of the Destination tab.


For a consumable move, the quantity field is displayed in the Source
tab. Enter the quantity to be moved in the Qty field, or use the default
value set in the Options screen.
Quantity will be entered only for consumable inventory.
Check Out Item IDs always have a quantity of one, hence, you are not
prompted to enter a quantity for a check out move. Page 347 Thursday, July 7, 2011 2:29 PM