IntelliTrack Check In/Out User Manual
Page 245

Chapter 9
Check Out Functions
Select the ItemID that you want to retire from the ItemID column.
If you want to retire a consumable item, select an Item# from the
Item# column. A query box appears notifying you that this is a con-
sumable item and asking you if you want to retire a consumable item.
(The retire function is generally used to remove a check out item from
active status until it may be removed from the system; if you are retir-
ing a consumable item, make sure that you want to eventually remove
this item from the system.)
Select Yes to close the dialog box and continue retiring the consumable
To retire another item, select an ItemID or Item# in the next row.
Click the Do It button found along the bottom of the form to process
the transaction and reset the Retire form or click the Close button to
process the transaction and return to the dashboard. Page 215 Thursday, July 7, 2011 2:29 PM