IntelliTrack Check In/Out User Manual

Page 283

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Chapter 12

History, Queries, and Reports


Location/Items: select this option to query the locations by items. This
query lists each location found in your system and shows the item num-
bers and item IDs at the selected location. It shows the site, location,
item number, item ID, check out status (if applicable), on hand quan-
tity, and inventory user ID.
Retired Item Query: select this option to query the retired item infor-
mation in the system. This query lists each retired item number, item
ID, description, transaction type, unit cost, condition, comment, date,
user ID, and quantity.


After you select the query, click the Preview button found along the
bottom of the form to view the query onscreen.


Each query, when viewed onscreen contains various options, which are
found in the process button to the bottom right of the form.
Check Out/Item # or Item ID: click the Print button to print the
query to the default printer or click the Close button to close the query
and return to the Queries form.

Checked Out/ID: click the Print button to print the query to the
default printer or click the Close button to close the query and return to
the Queries form. Page 253 Thursday, July 7, 2011 2:29 PM