Reserving a check out item – IntelliTrack Check In/Out User Manual
Page 233

Chapter 9
Check Out Functions
Reserving a Check Out Item
The Reservation feature enables you to reserve a check out item or a kit for
a person for a period of days. This allows you to flag specific check out
items for a designated use. When you reserve an item, the system reserves
it for the employee or customer during the designated time period in days.
When you reserve a kit, the system reserves all item IDs in the kit for the
employee or customer during the designated time period in days. If you try
to check any reserved item ID out to another person at any time during the
reservation period, the system warns you that the item is reserved between
now and the due back date. When you reserve an individual item that is
part of a kit, the item the item remains in the kit until it is checked out of
the application.
To reserve a check out item, please refer to the instructions that follow.
Select Manage > Check In > Reserve from the ribbon.
The Reserve form appears.
The transaction number is automatically placed in the Tran# field.
Today’s date is automatically placed in the Date field. The current time
is automatically placed in the Time field. Page 203 Thursday, July 7, 2011 2:29 PM