IntelliTrack Check In/Out User Manual

Page 223

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Chapter 9

Check Out Functions



Click the drop-down arrow in the Site List field; a list of application
sites appears (your ability to view and/or modify site data is based on
your security level). Select the site for the item check-in.
Please note that the site field is automatically populated with the
default site and can only be changed before the first Item ID has been


Select the Item ID being checked in from the drop-down list in the
Item field and press TAB.
When you select a Kit Item ID, the Kit Item ID and all item IDs that
are included in the kit
are checked back into the application.
To select an Item ID from other than the currently selected site, enter a
value in the ItemID field; you cannot select it from the drop-down list.
When you check in an Item ID from another site to the currently
selected site, you must check it into a location; you have the option to
make this location the normal location. If you select Yes, this location
becomes this Item ID’s normal location; if you select No, the normal
location remains unchanged.
When you select a check out item that is ready to be checked back into
the system, the system calculates the due date, due time, rental cost, etc.
based upon the entries for this Item ID in the Check Out Details form.
If the item being checked in has past due items associated with it, the
Past Due button is enabled. Click the Past Due button to view a list of
past due items in the Check In form. Page 193 Thursday, July 7, 2011 2:29 PM