IntelliTrack Inventory Shipping Receiving Picking (ISRP) User Manual

Page 136

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CE Client Guide


of the screen). The default site in the CE Client application is displayed
towards the top of the screen. (The default site is set at the CE Client
application Setup screen.)


Enter the receiving location in the Location field. (Scan the location
into the field or tap the drop-down arrow in the Location field and
select the location from the list that appears.) (If you did not mark the
Show Pull Down Lists check box in the CE Client Setup screen, the
Location field will not contain a drop-down arrow or a selection list.
You must scan or enter the data into the field.)The location is placed in
the Location field. (Location selection is limited to the list of down-
loaded locations. You cannot enter a new location.)


Enter the new receiving order number in the Order field or scan the
new receiving order bar code to place it in the Order field. A prompt
appears, asking you if you want to add the new order number.


If vendors are required for receiving orders, the Vendor field will be
visible. Tap the drop-down arrow in the Vendor field and enter the ven-
dor ID from the list that appears; or, if it is a new vendor, enter the ven-
dor ID in the Vendor field using the desired text input method. (If you
did not mark the Show Pull Down Lists check box in the CE Client
Setup screen, the Vendor field will not contain a drop-down arrow or a
selection list. You must scan or enter the data into the field.) If you
enter a new vendor, you will receive a prompt telling you that the ven-
dor does not exist and asking you if you want to continue entering this
vendor. Tap Yes to continue entering the vendor. To cancel adding the
vendor ID, tap No.