Grass Valley XtenDD v.4.2.4 User Manual
Page 234

3. Menu Operation
3 – 87
Operating Instructions – Rev. 1 / 7.2002
Color Limiter
The new color limitation controls the effects of MATTE settings on
RGB color space
PAL / NTSC level
It ensures that these limitation regulations are observed but also that the scope is
fully exploited. Both regulations are applicable at all times with the stricter regula-
tion prevailing on a case by case basis.
All colors are permitted that do not produce an R, G or B level of > 100% or <0%.
All colors are permitted as long as the total of luminance and chrominance does
not exceed the (adjustable) COL LIMITER level.
If COL LIMITER is set to 133, a PAL/NTSC overlevel of 33 % will admissible but
the representation of all RGB values (including a saturated yellow) will be possible.
The colors of a 100/100 colorbar signal represents the limit.
If COL LIMITER is set to 100, a 100 % level will be ensured but certain (yellow) col-
ors will be inadmissible. The colors of a 100/75 colorbar signal represents the limit.
The color limiter can be switched Off, so that the “illegal” colors can be adjusted
but the ILLEGAL indication signal this status in the menu and at the panel.
With Color Limit On the limit is forced.
If in a modification of hue, chroma, or luminance one of the limits is reached, the
indication ILLEGAL lights and attempts to realize the demanded value at the
expense of a different parameter.
A change in HUE may result in a chrominance correction.
A change in CHR may result in a luminance correction.
A change in LUM may result in a chrominance correction.
If an absolute limit is reached, values will no longer change. A maximum chroma
may generally be achieved at a medium luminance, i.e. subsequent decreases or
increases in LUM will result in a reduction in chrominance.
The limit mode simplifies the search for colors with maximum saturation. This mode
is enabled, when chrominance is set to maximum.
In subsequent HUE changes, the color follows lines of maximum saturation.
For this purpose, both chrominance and luminance are continuously updated auto-
matically. If the chrominance or luminance setting is changed, this mode is disabled
RGB limitation
Color Limiter
On / Off