H3C Technologies H3C SR8800 User Manual
Page 180
[RouterA-GigabitEthernet3/0/1] quit
[RouterA] interface GigabitEthernet 1/1/2
[RouterA-GigabitEthernet1/1/2] ipv6 address 20::1 64
[RouterA-GigabitEthernet1/1/2] quit
[RouterA] interface GigabitEthernet 1/1/3
[RouterA-GigabitEthernet1/1/3] ip address
[RouterA-GigabitEthernet1/1/3] quit
# Create a sampler named ns1 in fixed sampling mode. Set the sampling rate to 4, which means in each
sampling, one packet out of 16 packets (2 to the power of 4) is sampled.
[RouterA]sampler ns1 mode fixed packet-interval 4
# Enable NetStream sampling in the outbound direction of GigabitEthernet 3/0/1 and mirror the
sampled packets to the NetStream interface.
[RouterA] interface GigabitEthernet 3/0/1
[RouterA-GigabitEthernet3/0/1] ip netstream sampler ns1 outbound
[RouterA-GigabitEthernet3/0/1] ip netstream mirror-to interface Net-Stream 3/0/1 outbound
[RouterA-GigabitEthernet3/0/1] quit
# Enable IPv6 NetStream on Router A.
[RouterA] ipv6 netstream
# Configure to export NetStream data in version 9 format and specify the data to include the source AS,
destination AS, and BGP next hop.
[RouterA] ipv6 netstream export version 9 origin-as bgp-nexthop
# Configure the maximum entries that the cache can accommodate as 409600.
[RouterA] ipv6 netstream max-entry 409600
# In system view, configure the destination address for the NetStream traditional data export and the
source IP address.
[RouterA] ipv6 netstream export host 5000
[RouterA] ipv6 netstream export source interface GigabitEthernet 1/1/3
# Configure the aggregation mode as AS, and in aggregation view configure the destination address for
the NetStream AS aggregation data export.
[RouterA] ipv6 netstream aggregation as
[RouterA-ns6-aggregation-as] enable
[RouterA-ns6-aggregation-as] ipv6 netstream export host 2000
[RouterA-ns6-aggregation-as] quit
# Configure the aggregation mode as protocol-port, and in aggregation view configure the destination
address for the NetStream protocol-port aggregation data export.
[RouterA] ipv6 netstream aggregation protocol-port
[RouterA-ns6-aggregation-protport] enable
[RouterA-ns6-aggregation-protport] ipv6 netstream export host 3000
[RouterA-ns6-aggregation-protport] quit
# Configure the aggregation mode as source-prefix, and in aggregation view configure the destination
address for the NetStream source-prefix aggregation data export.
[RouterA] ipv6 netstream aggregation source-prefix
[RouterA-ns6-aggregation-srcpre] enable
[RouterA-ns6-aggregation-srcpre] ipv6 netstream export host 4000
[RouterA-ns6-aggregation-srcpre] quit
- H3C SR6600-X H3C SR6600 H3C SecPath F5020 H3C SecPath F5040 H3C VMSG VFW1000 H3C WX3000E Series Wireless Switches H3C WX5500E Series Access Controllers H3C WX3500E Series Access Controllers H3C WX2500E Series Access Controllers H3C WX6000 Series Access Controllers H3C WX5000 Series Access Controllers H3C LSWM1WCM10 Access Controller Module H3C LSUM3WCMD0 Access Controller Module H3C LSUM1WCME0 Access Controller Module H3C LSWM1WCM20 Access Controller Module H3C LSQM1WCMB0 Access Controller Module H3C LSRM1WCM2A1 Access Controller Module H3C LSBM1WCM2A0 Access Controller Module