H3C Technologies H3C S7500E Series Switches User Manual
Page 282

# Configure CE 1.
[CE1] bgp 65410
[CE1-bgp] peer as-number 100
[CE1-bgp] import-route direct
[CE1-bgp] quit
The configurations for the other three CEs are similar to the above. The detailed configuration steps
are omitted.
# Configure PE 1.
[PE1] bgp 100
[PE1-bgp] ipv4-family vpn-instance vpn1
[PE1-bgp-vpn1] peer as-number 65410
[PE1-bgp-vpn1] import-route direct
[PE1-bgp-vpn1] quit
[PE1-bgp] ipv4-family vpn-instance vpn2
[PE1-bgp-vpn2] peer as-number 65420
[PE1-bgp-vpn2] import-route direct
[PE1-bgp-vpn2] quit
[PE1-bgp] quit
The configurations for PE 2 are similar to those for PE 1. The detailed configuration steps are omitted.
After completing the above configuration, if you issue the display bgp vpnv4 vpn-instance peer
command on the PEs, you should see that BGP peer relationship has been established between PE
and CE, and has reached the state of Established. The following takes PE 1 and CE 1 as an example:
[PE1] display bgp vpnv4 vpn-instance vpn1 peer
BGP local router ID :
Local AS number : 100
Total number of peers : 1 Peers in established state : 1
Peer AS MsgRcvd MsgSent OutQ PrefRcv Up/Down State 65410 11 9 0 1 00:06:37 Established
5) Configure MP-IBGP peers between PEs
# Configure PE 1.
[PE1] bgp 100
[PE1-bgp] peer as-number 100
[PE1-bgp] peer connect-interface loopback 0
[PE1-bgp] ipv4-family vpnv4
[PE1-bgp-af-vpnv4] peer enable