Svc mpls l2vpn, Martini mpls l2vpn – H3C Technologies H3C S7500E Series Switches User Manual

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Local connection: A local connection is established between two local CEs that are connected to
the same PE. The PE functions like a Layer 2 switch and can directly switch packets between the
CEs without any static LSP.


Remote connection: A remote connection is established between a local CE and a remote CE,
which are connected to different PEs.


Only remote connection is supported by S7500E Series Ethernet Switches.


You must configure for each remote CCC connection two LSPs, one for inbound and the other for
outbound, on the P device along the remote connection.


Static Virtual Circuit (SVC) also implements MPLS L2VPN by static configuration. It transfers L2VPN
information without using any signaling protocol.

The SVC method resembles the Martini method closely and is in fact a static implementation of the
Martini method. The difference is that it does not use LDP to transfer Layer 2 VC and link information.
You only need to configure VC label information.

The labels for CCC and SVC range from 16 to 1023, which are reserved for static LSPs.

Martini MPLS L2VPN

The key of the Martini method is to set up VCs between CEs. Pseudo wire that is the bidirectional
virtual connection between VSIs. A PW consists of two unidirectional MPLS virtual circuits (VCs).

Martini MPLS L2VPN employs VC type and VC ID to identify a VC. The VC type indicates the
encapsulation type of the VC, which can be VLAN,. The VC ID uniquely identifies the VC among the
VCs of the same VC type on a PE.

The PEs connecting the two CEs of a VC exchange VC labels through LDP, and bind their respective
CE by the VC ID.

Once LDP establishes an LSP between the two PEs and the label exchange and the binding to CE are
finished, a VC is set up and ready to transfer Layer 2 data.

To allow the exchange of VC labels between PEs, the Martini method extended LDP by adding the
forwarding equivalence class (FEC) type of VC FEC. Moreover, as the two PEs exchanging VC labels
may not be connected directly, a remote LDP session must be set up to transfer the VC FEC and VC

With Martini MPLS L2VPN, only PEs need to maintain a small amount of VC labels and LSP mappings
and no P device contains Layer 2 VPN information. Therefore, it has high scalability. In addition, to