Zoom in or out of the timeline time ruler, Add clips to the timeline – Adobe Premiere Elements 8 User Manual
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Arranging clips in a movie
Last updated 8/12/2010
Click the time ruler where you want to position the current-time indicator.
Press Shift while dragging the current-time indicator to snap it to the edge of the closest clip or marker.
Drag the time display (in the lower-left corner of the Monitor panel) to the desired time value.
Click the time display (in the lower-left corner of the Monitor panel), type a valid time, and then press Enter. (You
don’t need to type leading zeros, colons, or semicolons. However, be aware that Adobe Premiere Elements
interprets numbers under 100 as frames.)
You can use the Home or End keys on the keyboard to skip back to the beginning or ahead to the end of the movie.
The Page Up and Page Down keys go to the previous and next clips. The Right or Left Arrow keys move the
current-time indicator forward or back a frame, while pressing Shift+Right Arrow or Shift+Left Arrow moves it in
increments of five frames.
Zoom in or out of the Timeline time ruler
When you zoom in on the Timeline, the Timeline around the current-time indicator is magnified, letting you examine
smaller increments of media. You can also zoom in as you add a clip to the Timeline, magnifying the location around
the pointer rather than the current-time indicator. This technique lets you see the exact placement of the insertion
point before you release the mouse. In contrast, zooming out shows more of the Timeline, giving you a visual summary
of the movie.
In the Timeline, do one of the following:
To zoom in or out as you add a clip, drag a clip to the Timeline. Hold down the mouse button, and press the Equals
(=) key to increase the zoom factor or press the Minus (–) key to decrease it.
To zoom in on the Timeline, drag the Zoom slider to the right, or click the Zoom In button
To zoom out of the Timeline, drag the Zoom slider to the left, or click the Zoom Out button
To toggle between viewing the entire length of the movie in the Timeline and the previous zoom level setting, press the
Backslash (\) key. Make sure that the Timeline is active before pressing the Backslash (\) key. You can also zoom in
and out by pressing the Equals (=) or Minus (-) keys on the keyboard (not the numeric keypad).
More Help topics
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Add clips to the Timeline
When you insert a clip into the Timeline, adjacent clips on all tracks shift as necessary to accommodate the new clip.
By shifting all clips together, the audio and video of the existing clips remain in sync.
There are times, however, when you don’t want all clips to shift with each insertion; for example, if you’ve added
background music or a video that is to superimpose the entire movie. In such instances, press the Alt key as you insert
to shift the clips on a maximum of two tracks: the track receiving the insertion and the track containing its linked audio
or video (if any). In this way, when you add a clip to a track containing linked audio or video, the affected tracks shift
together, remaining aligned, while clips on other tracks are unaffected.