Enable and disable clips, Working with clip and timeline markers, About clip and timeline markers – Adobe Premiere Elements 8 User Manual
Page 109
Arranging clips in a movie
Last updated 8/12/2010
Enable and disable clips
Occasionally, you might want to disable a clip while you try a different editing idea or to shorten processing time when
working on a complex project. Disabling a clip essentially hides it when you view the movie in the Monitor panel or
when you export the movie. You can still move or change a disabled clip.
Select one or more clips in the Timeline or Sceneline, and choose Clip
> Enable.
The check mark next to the command disappears when you disable a clip, and the clip appears dimmed in the Timeline
and Sceneline.
Working with clip and timeline markers
About clip and timeline markers
You can place markers to indicate important points in a clip or movie. Markers can help you position, arrange, and
synchronize clips; and even to add comments to the timeline. Each movie and each clip can individually contain up to
100 numbered markers (labeled from 0 to 99) and as many unnumbered markers as you want. You can also add menu
markers for use in creating a disc menu in Adobe Premiere Elements. (See “
page 249.)
Working with clip and timeline markers is much like working with In and Out points. However, while In and Out
points set the actual start and end point of a clip, markers are only for reference and do not affect clips in the finished
Markers in the Timeline and Monitor panel
A. Selection Tool B. Timeline Stretch Tool C. Properties Tool D. Smart Trim mode E. Motion Tracking mode F. Timeline marker in movie
G. Beat marker H. Clip markers in clip I. Audio Tools options J. Marker options
Note: The Detect Beats button creates markers at the major beats in your soundtrack so that you can synchronize clips
to beats.
Markers you add to a clip placed in a movie appear only in that instance of the clip. Markers you add to a source clip
(opened from the Project view) appear in each instance of the clip that you subsequently add to the movie. Adding
markers to a source clip doesn’t affect instances of the clip already in a movie.