Replicate, Solarize, Strobe light – Adobe Premiere Elements 8 User Manual
Page 198: Texturize
Applying effects
Last updated 8/12/2010
Determines whether the noise causes pixel colors to wrap around. When the color value of a pixel gets as
large as it can be, clipping makes it stay at that value. With unclipped noise, the color value wraps around or starts again
at low values. When Clipping is selected, even 100% noise leaves a recognizable clip. If you want a completely
randomized clip, turn off Clipping and turn on Color Noise.
The Replicate effect divides the screen into tiles and displays the whole clip in each tile. Set the number of tiles per
column and row by dragging the slider.
The Solarize effect creates a blend between a negative and positive clip, causing the clip to appear to have a halo. This
effect is analogous to briefly exposing a print to light during developing.
Strobe Light
The Strobe Light effect performs an arithmetic operation on a clip at periodic or random intervals. For example, every
five seconds a clip could appear completely white for one-tenth of a second, or a clip’s colors could invert at random
Strobe Color
Specifies the color of the strobe light. Click the white box to choose a color from the Color Picker, or use
the eyedropper to select a color from the clip.
Blend With Original
Specifies the intensity, or brightness, of the effect. A value of 0 causes the effect to appear at full
intensity; higher values diminish the intensity of the effect.
Strobe Duration
Specifies in seconds how long a strobe effect lasts.
Strobe Period
Specifies in seconds the duration between the start of subsequent strobes. For example, if the Strobe
Duration is set to 0.1 second and the Strobe Period is set to 1.0 second, the clip has the effect for 0.1 second and then
is without the effect for 0.9 second. If this value is set lower than the Strobe Duration, the strobe effect is constant.
Random Strobe Probability
Specifies the probability that any given frame of the clip will have the strobe effect, giving
the appearance of a random effect.
Specifies how the effect is applied. Operates On Color Only performs the strobe operation on all color
channels. Make Layer Transparent makes the clip transparent when a strobe effect occurs.
Strobe Operator
Specifies the arithmetic operator to use when Operates On Color Only is selected from the Strobe
menu. The default setting is Copy.
Random Seed
Randomizes the way lightning effect works.
The Texturize effect gives a clip the appearance of having the texture of another clip. For example, you could make the
clip of a tree appear as if it had the texture of bricks, and control the depth of the texture and the apparent light source.
Texture Layer
Select the source of the texture to be used from the list of video tracks in the pop-up menu. To see the
texture without seeing the actual clip used for the texture, set the opacity for the texture clip to zero. To disable texture,
select None.
Light Direction
Changes the direction of the light source, thus changing where shadows lie and how deep they appear.
Texture Contrast
Specifies the intensity of the texture’s appearance. Lower settings decrease the amount of visible