Chapter 2: adobe premiere elements workspace, About the workspace, Welcome screen – Adobe Premiere Elements 8 User Manual
Page 15: Disable tracking of information

Last updated 8/12/2010
Chapter 2: Adobe Premiere Elements
The Adobe Premiere Elements workspace is optimized for organizing media, editing and sharing movies, and creating
menus for DVDs and Blu-ray Discs. You can customize the workspace to suit your needs. Adobe Premiere Elements
combines everything you need to create a movie, including video, audio, effects, transitions, and titles, into a single file
called a project file.
About the workspace
Welcome screen
When you start Adobe Premiere Elements, the Welcome screen opens by default. The Welcome screen has the
following options:
Enables you to launch Elements Organizer.
New Project
Enables you to create a project.
Open Project
Enables you to open an existing project.
Note: You can log in with your Adobe ID on the Welcome screen to access free online benefits, Photoshop Elements 8, and
Adobe Premiere Elements 8 Plus features. Available in the United States only. Internet access required.
When you click the icon
, the Adobe Premiere Elements dialog is displayed with the following options. Specifying
the settings here determine the Adobe Premiere Elements Launch behavior. Select one of the options and click OK:
Just Show The Welcome Screen
Always Launch Elements Organizer Behind The Welcome Screen
Always Launch Adobe Premiere Elements Editor Behind The Welcome Screen.
Disable tracking of information
The Welcome screen by default records and relays some usage information to Adobe to assist in the improvement of
the Welcome screen experience. The Welcome screen usage data is anonymous and does not link the information to
your personal data or your Adobe ID account information. Usage information from the Photoshop Elements Editor,
Adobe Premiere Elements Editor, or Adobe Premiere Elements is not tracked. To disable the tracking of information
in the Welcome screen:
1 In Windows XP, click start > Run (or in Windows Vista click the Start button, and select Run), and type regedit.exe
and click OK.
The Windows Registry Editor opens. Using the tree navigator on the left navigate to
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Adobe\Elements Organizer\8.0\Organizer.
2 Right-click on the right panel, and select New > DWORD Value.
A new DWORD Value with the name New Value #1 is created.
3 Rename New Value #1 to DisableTracking.