Copy keyframes, Copy and paste keyframes in the properties view, Copy and paste keyframes in the timeline – Adobe Premiere Elements 8 User Manual
Page 209: Remove keyframes

Animating effects
Last updated 8/12/2010
Move the current-time indicator where you want the keyframe, and click the Add/Remove Keyframe button
3 Add keyframes as needed.
Note: If you create a keyframe before the first or after the last existing keyframe for a property, the new keyframe acquires
the same value as that existing keyframe. If the new keyframe falls between existing keyframes, however, it acquires a
value interpolated between the values of the previous and next keyframes.
Copy keyframes
To quickly apply the same keyframe values to another clip or point in time, copy and paste the keyframes. When you
paste them, the first keyframe appears at the current time, and the other keyframes follow in relative order. The
keyframes remain selected after you paste them, so you can immediately move them if needed.
Keyframes are pasted to only the currently selected clip. That clip must display the same property as the copied
Note: If the target clip is shorter than the source clip, keyframes pasted after the target clip’s Out point don’t appear unless
you disable the Pin To Clip option in the Properties view. Right-click and deselect Pin To Clip.
Copy and paste keyframes in the Properties view
1 Select the clip in the Timeline.
2 In Effects view of the Tasks panel, click the Edit Effects button.
3 In the Properties view, expand the effect. If the keyframe area is hidden, click Show Keyframes. You might have to
enlarge the Properties view to see the keyframe area.
4 Ctrl-click each keyframe to select it, or click and drag the mouse to draw a bounding box around a group of
5 Choose Edit > Copy.
6 Do one of the following:
Move the current-time indicator to the place where you want the first keyframe to appear, and choose Edit > Paste.
Select another clip, expand the appropriate property in the Properties view, move the current-time indicator to the
place where you want the first keyframe to appear, and choose Edit > Paste.
Copy and paste keyframes in the Timeline
1 In the Timeline, display the keyframe or keyframes you want to copy.
2 Select one or more keyframes. (Shift-click to select multiple keyframes.)
3 Choose Edit > Copy.
4 In the Timeline, select the clip you want to paste keyframes to.
5 In the effect properties menu above the clip, select the property to which you want to paste the keyframes. If the
property isn’t available from the menu, first apply the effect containing the property.
6 Move the current-time indicator to the point in time where you want the keyframes to appear.
7 Choose Edit > Paste.
Remove keyframes
You can remove individual keyframes for an effect property, remove all keyframes from a single effect property, or
remove all keyframes from all of an effect’s properties.