Create a duplicate clip in the timeline – Adobe Premiere Elements 8 User Manual
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Arranging clips in a movie
Last updated 8/12/2010
Delete And Close Gap shifts all subsequent clips over.
In the Timeline, do one of the following:
Right-click the empty space, and choose Delete And Close Gap.
Select the space you want to delete, and press the Delete or Backspace key.
Note: If the gap is small and difficult to select, move the current-time indicator to the gap and click the Zoom In button.
Create a duplicate clip in the Timeline
Each time you drag a source clip from the Tasks panel to the Timeline or Sceneline, you create a clip instance, which
shares the source clip’s default In and Out points. If you delete the source clip in the Tasks panel, all instances of the
clip in the Timeline or Sceneline are deleted.
To create clip instances with different default In and Out points, duplicate the source clip in the Tasks panel. As with
source clips, if you delete a duplicate clip in the Tasks panel, all instances of it in the Timeline or Sceneline are deleted.
1 In the Project view, select a clip and choose Edit > Duplicate.
2 To rename the duplicate clip, select it in the Project view and do one of the following:
Choose Clip
> Rename and type a new name.
Click the text and type a new name.
You can also create a duplicate clip by copying and pasting, or Ctrl-dragging a clip in the Tasks panel.
View the duration of selected clips in the Timeline
The Info panel shows you the total duration of multiple clips selected in either the Tasks panel, Sceneline, or Timeline.
This information is often useful when editing a movie. For example, you may want to find music to fit a scene or
replace a few clips with different footage. If you select clips in the Tasks panel, the Info panel displays the total duration
of all the clips you select. If you select clips in the Timeline or Sceneline, the Info panel displays the total duration
spanned by the clips, from the In point of the first selected clip to the Out point of the last selected clip. If the clips are
not contiguous in the tracks, the duration may be longer than the total duration of the clips themselves.