Insert clips from the project view – Adobe Premiere Elements 8 User Manual
Page 77

Importing and adding media
Last updated 8/12/2010
of the selected clip. Adobe Premiere Elements places the video on the CTI, in a track above the existing video. The new
video file overlaps the existing video clip.
Picture In Picture
If there is an empty track above Video 1/Audio 1, the selected clip is inserted on that track, and
mapped to the corresponding track's channel type. If there is no empty track, a new track is created matching the
channel type of the selected clip. Adobe Premiere Elements places the existing and the inserted videos simultaneously.
The user can see both the videos.
Place On Top, And Apply Video merge
If there is an empty track above Video 1/Audio 1, the selected clip is inserted
on that track and mapped to the corresponding track's channel type. If there is no empty track, a new track is created
matching the channel type of the selected clip. Adobe Premiere Elements places the video on the CTI, in a track above
the existing video and applies videomerge effect on the new video. The underlying and the top videos can be seen.
Replace Clip
The clip is replaced and the mapping matches the channel type of the replaced clip’s track.
Note: When you drop an audio-only clip into the Monitor window, it is placed on the Soundtrack track and mapped to
Insert clips from the Project view
When you right-click a clip in the Project view and select Insert to Timeline, it is mapped to the Audio 1 track. The
clip is inserted in the Video 1/Audio 1 track.