Chapter 8: editing clips, Trimming clips, About trimming and retrieving clips – Adobe Premiere Elements 8 User Manual

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Last updated 8/12/2010

Chapter 8: Editing clips

The process of editing clips includes previewing and trimming them to eliminate unnecessary material. It also includes
revising clip properties such as speed, direction, and duration. You can also edit media clips generated by other
programs in their original applications, from within Adobe Premiere Elements.

Trimming clips

About trimming and retrieving clips

When you build a movie, you rarely use an entire clip. To define the frames you want to use, set In and Out points. The
In point is the first frame of the clip you want to use; the Out point is the last frame of the clip you want to use. Setting
In and Out points does not delete frames from the hard drive; instead, it isolates the portion you want included in the
movie. In and Out points act like a window over the clip, showing only the frames from the In point to the Out point.
You can move In and Out points as needed to regain any frames you might have trimmed.

In and Out points serve as a window over a clip

A. Trimmed frames B. In point C. Out point D. Trimmed frames

You can trim frames from either end of a clip. To trim frames from the middle of a clip, first split the clip (which creates
two instances of the original clip), and then trim the unwanted frames from the end of the first new clip or the
beginning of the second.

You can trim a clip in the Preview window, the Monitor panel’s mini-timeline, or the Timeline. You can retrieve
frames from source clips (those not yet placed in the Timeline) using the Preview window. You can retrieve frames
from clips that are in the Timeline using the Timeline.

More Help topics

Split clips

” on page 124





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