Track matte key, Newblue art effects elements, Airbrush – Adobe Premiere Elements 8 User Manual

Page 190: Colorize

background image



Applying effects

Last updated 8/12/2010


Specifies the amount of anti-aliasing (softening) applied to the boundary between transparent and opaque

regions. Choose None to produce sharp edges, with

no anti-aliasing. This option is useful when you want to preserve

sharp lines, such as those in

titles. Choose Low or High to produce different amounts of smoothing.

Mask Only

Displays only the clip’s alpha channel. Black represents transparent areas, white represents opaque areas,

and gray represents partially transparent areas.

Drop Shadow

Adds a 50% gray, 50% opaque shadow offset 4 pixels down and to the right from the opaque areas of the

original clip image. This option works best with simple graphics such as titles.

Track Matte Key

The Track Matte Key reveals one clip (background clip) through another (superimposed clip), using a third file as a
matte that creates transparent areas in the superimposed clip. This effect requires two clips and a matte, each placed
on its own track. White areas in the matte are opaque in the superimposed clip, preventing underlying clips from
showing through. Black areas in the matte are transparent, and gray areas are partially transparent.

You can create mattes in various ways:

Use the Titles view to create text or shapes (use only grayscale images if you plan to key using luma information),
save the title, and then import the file as your matte.

Create a matte from any clip by using the Videomerge effect, Chroma Key, Blue Screen Key, Green Screen Key, or
Non Red Key keying effect; then choose the effect’s Mask Only option.

Use Adobe Photoshop Elements, Adobe Illustrator, or Adobe Photoshop to create a grayscale image and import it
into Adobe Premiere Elements.

The Track Matte Key has the following controls:


Lists the video tracks that contain clips that could be used as mattes. Choose one from the list.

Composite Using

Selecting Matte Alpha from this pop-up menu sets the matte’s transparency based on its alpha

channel. Matte Luma sets transparency based on the matte’s luminance or brightness.


Reverses the order of the background and foreground clips.

More Help topics

Superimposing and transparency

” on page 160

Create transparency with the Track Matte Key effect

” on page 163

NewBlue Art Effects Elements


The Airbrush effect creates an airbrushed effect by smoothing colors while maintaining sharp edges.


Lets you set the width of the airbrush nozzle. Increase the spray value to make the colors blend together over

larger areas. Decrease the spray value to make individual color details become more evident.

NewBlue, Inc.,



The Colorize effect turns the image black-and-white, and then enhances specific areas using one or two colors that you
specify. The areas that are enhanced are those that contain one of the two colors you specify. You can specify the two
paint colors that dominate the image, and adjust how much color is applied.

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