Zilog EZ80F916 User Manual
Page 72

Using the Integrated Development Environment
ZiLOG Developer Studio II
User Manual
Manage Breakpoints
To view, go to, or remove breakpoints, select Manage Breakpoints from the Edit menu.
You can access the dialog box during Debug mode and Edit mode.
Figure 45. Breakpoints Dialog Box
The Breakpoints dialog box lists all existing breakpoints for the currently loaded project.
A check mark in the box to the left of the breakpoint description indicates that the break-
point is enabled.
Go to Code
To move the cursor to a particular breakpoint you have set in a file, highlight the break-
point in the Breakpoints dialog box and click Go to Code.
Enable All
To make all listed breakpoints active, click Enable All. Individual breakpoints can be
enabled by clicking in the box to the left of the breakpoint description. Enabled break-
points are indicated by a check mark in the box to the left of the breakpoint description.
Disable All
To make all listed breakpoints inactive, click Disable All. Individual breakpoints can be
disabled by clicking in the box to the left of the breakpoint description. Disabled break-
points are indicated by an empty box to the left of the breakpoint description.
To delete a particular breakpoint, highlight the breakpoint in the Breakpoints dialog box
and click Remove.
Remove All
To delete all of the listed breakpoints, click Remove All.