Zilog EZ80F916 User Manual
Page 107

Using the Integrated Development Environment
ZiLOG Developer Studio II
User Manual
the standard startup module to tailor it to your project, you need to select the Included in
Project button for your changes to take effect.
Use Standard Startup Linker Commands
If you select this check box, the same linker commands that support the standard startup
module are inserted into your linker command file, even though you have chosen to
include your own, nonstandard startup module in the project. This option is usually helpful
in getting your project properly configured and initialized because all C startup modules
have to do most of the same tasks. Formerly, these linker commands had to be inserted
manually when you were not using the standard startup.
The standard startup commands define a number of linker symbols that are used in the
standard startup module for initializing the C run-time environment. You do not have to
refer to those symbols in your own startup module, but many users will find it useful to do
so, especially since user-customized startup modules are often derived from modifying the
standard startup module. There are also a few linker commands (such as
, and
) that are used to implement your link configuration. See “Linker Com-
mands” on page 247 for a description of the commands, and “Linker Configurations” on
page 240 for an explanation of the link configurations.
If you are using the Standard, Copy to RAM, or All RAM link configuration, you must
make sure that your startup module defines the
, and
segments if you want to apply the Use Standard Startup Linker Commands option. These
segments are referred to by the startup linker commands for those link configurations.
The standard definitions of these segments can be found in the
) and
) files.
All of these files can be found in the following directory:
<ZDS Installation Directory>
where <ZDS Installation Directory> is the directory in which ZiLOG Developer Studio
was installed. By default, this is
<version>, where <version> might be
This option is only available when the Included in Project button has been selected. The
default for newly created projects is that this check box, if available, is selected.
Use Default Libraries
These controls determine whether the available default libraries that are shipped with
ZiLOG Developer Studio II are to be linked with your application. For eZ80Acclaim!,
there are two available libraries, the C run-time library and the ZiLOG Standard Library
(ZSL). The subset of the run-time library dedicated to floating-point operations also has a
separate control to allow for special handling, as explained in “Floating Point Library” on
page 88.