Zilog EZ80F916 User Manual
Page 37

Using the Integrated Development Environment
ZiLOG Developer Studio II
User Manual
Figure 14. File Toolbar
New Button
The New button creates a new file.
Open Button
The Open button allows you to open an existing file.
Save Button
The Save button saves the active file.
Save All Button
The Save All button saves all open files and the currently loaded project.
Cut Button
The Cut button deletes selected text from the active file and puts it on the Windows clip-
Copy Button
The Copy button copies selected text from the active file and puts it on the Windows clip-
Paste Button
The Paste button pastes the current contents of the clipboard into the active file at the cur-
rent cursor position.
Delete Button
The Delete button deletes selected text from the active file.
Print Button
The Print button prints the active file.
Workspace Window Button
The Workspace Window button shows or hides the Project Workspace window.
Output Window Button
The Output Window button shows or hides the Output window.