Zilog EZ80F916 User Manual
Page 126

Using the Integrated Development Environment
ZiLOG Developer Studio II
User Manual
system clock is 20 MHz, the 4-MHz ZDI clock rate might prove to be more
reliable then the 8-MHz rate.
ZDS assumes that the system clock change occurs somewhere after reset and
before the
Click OK.
Export Makefile
The Export Makefile command exports a buildable project in external make file format.
To do this, complete the following procedure:
1. From the Project menu, select Export Makefile.
The Save As dialog box is displayed.
Figure 72. Save As Dialog Box
2. Use the Save In drop-down list box to navigate to the directory where you want to
save your project.
The default location is in your project directory.
3. Type the make file name in the File Name field.
You do not have to type the extension
. The extension is added automatically.
4. Click Save
The project is now available as an external make file.