Zilog EZ80F916 User Manual

Page 452

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ZiLOG Developer Studio II



User Manual


Disable All button 52, 309
Disable ANSI Promotions check box 70
Disable Breakpoint command 309
Disassembly window 305
Disassembly Window button 28
Distinct Code Segment for Each Module check
box 68
div function 330, 339
div_t 328
DL directive 202
Do Not Erase Info Page 118
Down button 49
Download Code button 19, 24
DS directive 205
DW directive 203


Edit Breakpoints command 307
Edit button 82
Edit menu 47

Copy 48
Cut 48
Delete 48
Find 48
Find Again 49
Find in Files 49
Go to Line 51
Manage Breakpoints 52
Paste 48
Redo 48
Replace 50
Select All 48
shortcuts 131
Show Whitespaces 48
Undo 48

Edit window 30, 31

code line indicators 292

Editor tab, Options dialog box 124
EDOM 320, 328
Enable All button 52, 308

Enable Breakpoint command 309
Enable check box 119
Enable/Disable Breakpoint button 21, 27
END directive 205
ENDMACRO directive 219
.ENDSTRUCT directive 211
.ENDWITH directive 215
enumeration data type 146
EOF macro 327
EQU directive 205
ERANGE 320, 328
Erase Before Flashing check box 118
ERASE button 118
errno macro 320
header 320
Error conditions 320, 324
Error messages

ANSI C-Compiler 168
assembler 230
linker/locator 286

Ethernet Smart Cable requirements xviii
Executable Formats area 94
Executable formats, for Linker 94
exit, script file command 398
EXIT_FAILURE macro 328
EXIT_SUCCESS macro 328
exp function 325, 340
Expand Macros check box 60
Exponential functions 325, 340
Exporting project as make file 106

from the command line 379


arithmetic operators 192
binary numbers 195
Boolean operators 193
character constants 195
decimal numbers 194
hexadecimal numbers 194
HIGH operator 193
HIGH16 operator 194
in assembly 192

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