Zilog EZ80F916 User Manual
Page 52

Using the Integrated Development Environment
ZiLOG Developer Studio II
User Manual
When you right-click in a file, the context menu allows you to do the following (depend-
ing on whether any text is selected or you are running in Debug mode):
Cut, copy, and paste text
Go to the Disassembly window
Show the program counter
Insert, edit, enable, disable, or remove breakpoints
Reset the debugger
Stop debugging
Start or continue running the program (Go)
Run to the cursor
Pause the debugging (Break)
Step into, over, or out of program instructions
Set the next instruction at the current line
Insert or remove bookmarks (see “Using Bookmarks” on page 32)
When you right-click outside of all files, the context menu allows you to do the following:
Show or hide the Output windows, Project Workspace window, status bar, File
toolbar, Build toolbar, Find toolbar, Command Processor toolbar, Debug toolbar, and
Debug Windows toolbar
Toggle Workbook Mode
When in Workbook Mode, each open file has an associated tab along the bottom of the
Edit windows area.
Customize the buttons and toolbars
Using Bookmarks
A bookmark is a marker that identifies a position within a file. Bookmarks appear as cyan
boxes in the gutter portion (left) of the file window. The cursor can be quickly positioned
on a line containing bookmarks.