Zilog EZ80F916 User Manual

Page 448

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ZiLOG Developer Studio II



User Manual


bsearch function 329, 336
BSS segment 158, 185
BUFF_SIZE macro 316
Build button 18
Build menu 107

Build 107
Clean 107
Compile 107
Manage Configurations 109
Rebuild All 107
Set Active Configuration 108
shortcuts 132
Stop Build 107
Update All Dependencies 107

Build Output window 35
Build toolbar 18
Build Type list box 3, 40
build, script file command 393
Building a project 12, 107

from the command line 379



calling assembly from 152
calling from assembly 153
converting web files to 55
escape sequences 143
language, described 318, 387
preserving routines 153
return values 153
run-time library 154, 318
writing programs 134

C run-time initialization file 157
C Startup Module area 86
Calculate Checksum dialog box 120
Call Stack window 303
Call Stack Window button 28
Calling assembly from C 152
calloc function 329, 337
cancel all, script file command 393

cancel bp, script file command 393
Cascade the files 130

command line options 383
comments 147
compatibility issues 419
data type sizes 147
error messages 168
pseudoinstruction macros 156
running from the command line 380
run-time library 154, 318
warning messages 168
writing C programs 134

cd, script file command 394
ceil function 326, 338
CHANGE command 248, 284
Changing object size 358
char enumerations 146
Character case mapping functions 322
Character constants in assembly 195
Character strings in assembly 192
Character testing functions 321
Character-handling functions 321
checksum, script file command 394
Chip Select Registers drop-down list box 97
.class file extension 55
Clear button 123
Clock window 294
Clock Window button 28
Close Dialog When Complete check box 118
Code line indicators 292
CODE segment 158, 185
Color dialog box 126
Command field 22
Command line

building a project from 379
examples 402
running the assembler from 380, 381

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