Zilog EZ80F916 User Manual
Page 449

ZiLOG Developer Studio II
User Manual
running the compiler from 380, 383
running the librarian from 385
running the linker from 380, 386
running ZDS II from 379
Command Output window 36, 37
Command Processor
running the Flash Loader from 412
using 387
Command processor
Command Processor toolbar 22
Command script file
linker 247
linker command file 247
running 387
Commands to Keep field 123
.COMMENT directive 197
C++ style 147
in assembly language 188
Comparing characters 350, 367
Comparing strings 365, 366
Comparison functions 331
Compatibility of assembly directives 416
Compile/Assemble File button 18
command line options 383
comments 147
compatibility issues 419
data type sizes 147
error messages 168
options 403
pseudoinstruction macros 156
running from the command line 380
run-time library 154, 318
setting options 419
warning messages 168
writing C programs 134
Compiling a project 107
Computing string length 367
Concatenating strings 364, 367
Concatenation character 219
Concatenation functions 331
Conditional assembly 216
Conditional assembly directives 216
IF 216
IFMA 218, 221
Configuration Name field 109
copying 109
linker 240
setting 108
Configure Target dialog box 96
Connect to Target button 19
Context menus
Call Stack window 303
Disassembly window 305
in Edit window 31
in Project Workspace window 30
Locals window 302
Simulated UART Output window 306
Watch window 300, 301, 302
control_UARTx() function 316
Converting letter case 373, 374
Converting strings 370, 372
Converting web files to C 55
COPY BASE OF command 250
COPY BASE operator 261
Copy button 17, 101
COPY command 249, 284
Copy Configuration Settings dialog box 110
Copy segments 236
Copy Settings From list box 109, 110
Copy Settings To field 110
Copy to RAM configuration 80
Copy to RAM link configuration 244