Filtering data to be printed, Printing – Det-Tronics S3 Graphics User Manual
Page 37

Version 6.0
Filtering data to be printed
Tagnames (All)
This selection prints a list of all tagnames used in the system.
User Module Strings
This selection prints the factory default and user configured “event descriptions”
associated with the individual points.
User Miscellaneous Strings
This selection prints the factory default and user configured substitutes for
the descriptions of buttons and text used by the system in the “Online” mode.
Examples of miscellaneous strings include the navigation button descriptions,
function key list and user configured buttons.
Miscellaneous Preferences
This selection prints certain configuration parameters in the graphic editor and
online applications. In the graphic editor this includes the graphic grid spacing
and polygon tool settings. In the online application it includes whether or not
the acknowledge button silences custom sounds first, how may days alarm
logs will be kept, whether the alternate language dictionary is configured to be
used or not and whether to use a twelve or twenty four hour clock.
User Configuration
supports up to sixty four (64) unique user accounts, this selection prints all user account information except
passwords. This includes whether or not the user can access the configuration programs, initiate send commands
to attached devices, access port diagnostics and quit online operations.
This selection prints a list of the custom sound library. Up to 64 custom sounds can be recorded and used by
the system.
OPC Server Configuration
Prints a list of “Active” tags available to OPC Clients.