Eqp logic editor – Det-Tronics S3 Graphics User Manual
Page 306

Version 6.0
Item 128 - Sensor Initialization Fault
The field device sets the item to indicate that the sensor was bad at start-up. If the detector is set for Manual
Oi the Sensor Initialization Test is conducted on start-up by turning on the test lamp. If less then 2 counts are
received the Sensor Initialization fault is set. The Sensor Initialization fault bit is cleared any time 2 counts per
second are received.
Item 129 - 290 Volt Fault
The field device sets this item to indicate low or high voltage. Some devices just check for low voltage while
others monitor for low and high voltage conditions.
Item 130 - Low Aux Power Fault
The field device sets this item to indicate low voltage on the aux power input.
Item 131 - UV Fault
The field device sets this item to indicate a fault with the UV sensor. For the EQ2200 UVIR the UV fault bit is set
when an auto UV Oi fault or missing UV tube or manual UV Oi fault or 290 volt fault is detected.
Item 132 - IR Fault
The field device sets this item to indicate a fault with the IR sensor. For the EQ2200 UVIR the IR fault bit is set
when an auto IR Oi fault or missing IR module or manual IR Oi fault is detected.
Item 133 - UV Alarm
The field device sets this item to indicate a UV fire alarm.
Item 134 - IR Alarm
The field device sets this item to indicate a IR fire alarm.
Item 135 - UV/IR Counts
This item signals whether the process variable holds the UV or IR counts.
PV Value
UV Signal
IR Signal
Item 136 - AC Failed
The field device sets this item to indicate missing AC power input.
Item 137 - Battery Fault
The field device sets this item to indicate a fault with the battery.
Item 138 - Ground Fault +
A device sets this item to indicate a ground fault on the plus side of the power supply.
Item 139 - Ground Fault -
A device sets this item to indicate a ground fault on the negative side of the power supply.
Item 140 - Power Supply Fault
A device sets this item to indicate a fault on the power supply.
Item 141 - Dirty Optics