Eqp logic editor – Det-Tronics S3 Graphics User Manual
Page 314

Version 6.0
Item 254 - Missed Messages
The number of times that an incoming packet was discarded because there was no network buffer available.
Item 255 - IR Processing Mode
This item is used to select the processing mode for the IR detector.
TDSA and Quick
Item 256 - UV Auto Oi Test Frequency
This item is used to select how often the automatic Oi test is conducted, see the device for the allowable range.
Item 257 - IR Auto Oi Test Frequency
This item is used to select how often the automatic Oi test is conducted, see the device for the allowable range.
Item 258 - Consecutive UV Failed Oi Tests for Fault
This item is used to select how many consecutive automatic Oi tests must fail before a fault is annunciated.
Item 259 - UV Counts per Second
This item will display the UV signal level.
Item 260 - IR Signal Level
This item will display the IR signal level.
Item 261 - TDSA IR Alarm
This item comes true when the IR detector generates a TDSA fire alarm.
Item 262 - UV Pre Alarm
For the new flame platform detectors, this item comes true when the number of UV counts per second exceeds
½ of that needed to signal an alarm.
Item 263 - IR Pre Alarm
For the new flame platform detectors, this item comes true when 18 or more valid turning points are found during
a 10 second period.
Item 264 - UV Oi Calibration Active
This item comes true while the UV Oi calibration is active.
Item 265 - IR Oi Calibration Active
This item comes true while the IR Oi calibration is active.
Item 266 - UV Oi Fault
This item comes true when a manual or automatic UV Oi fault occurs.
Item 267 - IR Oi Fault
This item comes true when a manual or automatic IR Oi fault occurs.