ADTRAN 1248 User Manual
Page 42

Total Access 1248 Octal T1 IMA DSLAM with Modem Installation and Maintenance Practice
3. Press and hold the
key on the terminal keyboard and apply power to the Total Access
1200 Series DSLAM.
4. When prompted, select 38400 for a faster transfer rate (20 minutes at 38400 compared to
60 minutes at 9600).
If using HyperTerminal, go off-line, select properties, change the baud rate, then go back
online. VT100 settings should be set as follows:
• Baud Rate: 38400
• Data Bits: 8
• Parity: None
• Stop Bits: 1
• Flow Control: None
If properly connected, a row of CCCCs should begin to display on the screen.
5. Download the current file identified by network administration using the Y-Modem
If using HyperTerminal, use the Transfer > Send File... Browse... dialogue and identify the
file by name and location. Select
, then click
6. Several messages are displayed that report system progress for the upgrade procedure,
including the following:
• Erasing Flash
• Erase Complete
• Programming Flash
• Programming Complete
• Comparing Flash to SDRAM
• Verify Done
• Please set Baud Rate to 9600 and Reboot Unit Now
7. Reboot the Total Access 1200 Series DSLAM when the download is completed.
8. Repeat steps
for each Total Access 1200 Series DSLAM.
9. Connect the Total Access 1200F expansion cables at the DSLAM end.
10. Provision, test, and turn up the equipment. Refer to “Section 4, Provisioning Defaults”
and “Section 5, User Interface” of the Total Access 1200F Installation and Maintenance
Practice (P/N 61179660L1-5) for detailed instructions on provisioning the equipment.
Access to the Total Access 1200 Series units is now available
through the Total Access 1200F craft access of Inband
Management access ports.