Adjust lateral offset – Ag Leader ParaDyme Operation Guide User Manual
Page 25

9. When the Calibration Verification procedure is
complete, the Calibration Verification Complete screen
appears. Press the check mark button to return to the
Vehicle screen.
10. After the vehicle has been calibrated and verified,
you must confirm the accuracy of the lateral offset
valve. See
“Adjust Lateral Offset” on page 23.
Adjust Lateral Offset
After the vehicle has been created and calibrated, perform the following procedure to ensure that the
lateral offset is entered correctly. This procedure will detect and eliminate skips and overlaps in adjacent
rows due to an incorrect lateral offset.
Before beginning this procedure, the Lateral Offset value should be as close to 0 as possible.
If the value is off by more than 4”, this procedure will be ineffective.
1. Set an AB line, engage autosteering, and autosteer for at least 25 yards.
2. Stop your vehicle, place it in park, and turn off the ParaDyme system. Use a plumb bob to place a flag
in the ground directly beneath the center of the draw bar.
3. Return to the vehicle, start the ParaDyme system, and engage autosteer for at least 25 more yards on
the same AB line.
4. Disengage autosteer, turn the vehicle around, and begin autosteering back down the same AB line in
the opposite direction.
5. When the vehicle's draw bar reaches the flag, stop the vehicle, place it in park, turn off the AutoSteer
system, and exit the vehicle.
6. Check to see if the center of the draw bar is over the flag.
7. If the flag is exactly beneath the center of the draw bar, no adjustment is needed.
8. If not, use a plumb bob to mark the spot directly beneath the draw bar, and then measure the distance
between that spot and the flag.
9. Divide the measured distance by 2. (The measurement is divided by two because taking the
measurements driving in opposite directions doubles any error.)
10. Go to the Edit Vehicle>Antenna Lateral Offset screen (see
) and subtract the
measured distance (divided by 2) from the current value.
This measurement may require you to select a different left/right offset direction.
11. Repeat the procedure to ensure that the lateral offset is now correct. Example:
After autosteering up and down the AB line, the center of the draw bar is 4 inches to the right of the flag.
Divide the measurement by 2, which gives you an adjustment of 2 inches. Go to the Antenna lateral