HP StorageWorks XP10000 Disk Array User Manual
HP Storage
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Table of contents
Document Outline
- HP StorageWorks XP Remote Web Console user guide for XP12000/XP10000 Disk Arrays and SVS 200
- About this guide.
- 1 Overview of XP Remote Web Console Oper
- 2 Installation Requirements and Procedur
- System Requirements
- Setting up the XP Remote Web Console
- Configuring Your Web Browser
- Configuring XP Remote WebConsole over aFi
- Configuring the Java™ Plug-In
- For JRE 1.4
- For JRE 5.0 and JRE 6.0
- Using the XP Remote Web Console
- XP Remote Web Console Conventions
- Keystroke and Navigation Conventions for
- Conventions for Using the XP Remote Web
- NotesonUsing theXPRemoteWeb ConsoleonWin
- Starting Up and Logging on to the XP Rem
- RestrictiononAccessingLocal Client Files
- For JRE 1.4
- For JRE 5.0
- LoggingontoanArray
- View Mode and Modify Mode
- Changing Between View Mode and Modify Mo
- Extending the Modify Mode Timeout Period
- License Keys
- Enabling and Disabling Options on the XP
- XP Remote Web Console Options
- License Key Pane
- Enabling XP Remote Web Console Options U
- Enabling XP Remote Web Console Options U
- Enabling Available XP Remote Web Console
- DisablingXPRemoteWeb ConsoleOptions
- Allocating Licensed Capacity among Stora
- Overview of Storage Logical Partitions
- License Key Partition Definition Pane
- Partitioning Licensed Capacity and Alloc
- 3 Performing XP Remote Web Console Opera
- Product Option Icons (Common to All XP R
- Launching the Desired Option
- Remote Web Console Features
- Viewing Detailed Information of the Arra
- Capacity Box (Open Systems)
- Number of LDEVs Box
- System Tab on the XP Remote Web Console
- Base Information
- XP Remote Web Console Main Pane, Status
- Detail Pane
- Setting User Accounts (Account Pane)
- Registering New User Accounts
- Changing the Password of User Accounts
- Changing Operation Authority of User Acc
- Deleting User Account
- Basic Information Display Pane
- Basic Information Display Pane, Port Pan
- Basic Information Display Pane, LUN Tab
- Basic Information Display Pane , LDEV Ta
- Displaying the Detailed Information on L
- Downloading the Audit Log File
- Checking the Audit Log Using the Syslog
- Transferring Audit Log to FTP Server (Au
- Control Panel
- Setting the XP Remote Web Console Enviro
- Downloading theConfiguration Files (Downl
- Restoring Backups of Configuration Files
- Extending Cache Memory and LUs Using the
- On-Demand Pane
- ExtendingLUs Usingthe On-DemandStorage L
- Extending Cache Memory Using On-Demand S
- Allocating Extended Cache Memory to CLPR
- Downloading Trace Files Using the FD Dum
- 4 Setting SNMP Agent Properties.
- 5 SSL Encrypted Communication
- 6 Configuration File Loader
- Overview of Configuration File Loader
- General Spreadsheet Conventions
- Spreadsheet File Requirements
- Spreadsheet Components
- Spreadsheet Declaration
- Function Tags
- Configuration Definitions
- Comments
- New Settings CanAffectOther Settings
- LUN Manager Spreadsheet Settings
- Column Format
- Setting the CHA Mode
- Port Settings
- Setting the Host Group
- Setting theWWN Information
- Setting the LU Path
- Configuring the Command Devices
- Configuration File Loader Operations
- Configuration File Loader Pane
- Using Configuration File Loader
- Exporting a Spreadsheet
- Editing the Spreadsheet
- Importing the Spreadsheet
- First Error Check
- Second Error Check
- Third Error Check
- 7 Troubleshooting
- Acronyms and Abbreviations.
- Index.