Maple Systems OIT Family User Manual

Page 86

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OIT3160/4160 OIT Control Key Coils
The address entered on the OIT Control Key Editor represents the first bit in the Bit

Memory area in the PLC. For example, if the GEF protocol is selected and 993 is

entered, the 0 key will set bit %M993, the 1 key will set bit %M994, the 2 key will set bit

%M995, etc.
See the table below.

PLC Coil


Example Address

(for GE Fanuc)

OIT Keyboard






































NOTE:If a Control Key is not configured to set a PLC coil, then that bit is not used. For

example, if only the [0] and [ENTER] keys are configured to set coils, the only bits

%M993 and %M1004 will be set. The remaining bits are not used.

Key Types


1010-0099, Rev. 07