Chap ter 2: op er a tional over view 20, Mes sage re quest reg is ter (mrr) 20, Message request register 20 – Maple Systems OIT Family User Manual

Page 20: Operational overview 20, Operational overview, Message request register (mrr), Chapter 2

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Operational Overview

The OIT Family Operator Interface Terminals communicate with PLCs by using

point-to-point serial communications to read from and write to the internal registers and

coils of the PLC. Six sets of registers and coils located within the PLC’s internal memory

are designated for special purposes: the Message Request Register, Current Message

Register, Key coils, Status coils, Status LED coils, and Function Key LED coils.

Message Request Register (MRR)

The MRR is a data register in the PLC that is continuously monitored by the OIT. When

the PLC enters a decimal or BCD number into this register, the OIT:

displays the screen that corresponds to that number

(the screen can be a message, recipe, alarm, or menu)

performs any special function associated with the screen

(for example, an alarm screen might sound the OIT’s internal buzzer).

and optionally sends the screen contents to a serial printer.

For example, you may want Screen #30 to be shown on the OIT whenever input coil X1

is turned on. Screen #30 might read: Oven Door is Open!!!
The relay ladder logic could be the following:

In this case, D500 is the MRR that the OIT has been configured to constantly monitor.

When input coil X1 is activated, the PLC puts the decimal number 30 into the MRR. The

OIT then sees the number 30 in the MRR and displays Screen #30.

Operational Overview


1010-0099, Rev. 07


OIT Reads

Message #

Message Request


PLC Writes

Message #

OIT Writes

Message #

Current Message


PLC Reads

Message #

OIT Reads

& Writes

Status Bit,

Key & Status

LED Coils

PLC Reads

& Writes

OIT Reads

& Writes


and Coils

PLC Reads

& Writes



Figure 1: Interaction Between the OIT and PLC



Number: 30

Data Register

Location: 500
