Chap ter 12: util ities 107, Read pro ject from oit 107, Export project to oit 107 – Maple Systems OIT Family User Manual

Page 107: Read project from oit 107, Utilities, Read project from oit, Export project to oit, Chapter 12, All models except oit5400)

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Read Project from OIT

This utility makes it possible for OITware-200 to read an existing project file from an OIT.
To read a project from an OIT:
1. Perform the following steps from CHAPTER 1: Getting Started:

Connect the OIT to the PC

Place the OIT in Download/Upload Mode

2. Start OITware-200.
3. From the Transfer menu, choose Read from OIT. The OITware 200 - Read From OIT

dialog box appears.

4. Choose the Options button. The Communication Options dialog box appears.
5. In the Upload & Download group box, select the COM port option button that

corresponds to the COM port the OIT is connected to. If you are unsure, choose the

Auto Detect button.

NOTE:To use the Auto Detect feature, the OIT must be in download/upload mode and properly

connected to the PC.

6. If you want the project automatically saved after it is read from the OIT, select the

“Prompt For Save As Project?” check box. If this box is checked, you will be

prompted to enter a file name for the project.

7. Choose the Done button to return to the OITware 200 - Read From OIT dialog box.
8. Choose the OK button to start the transfer.

Export Project to OIT

(all models except OIT5400)

This utility makes it possible to export an existing OITware-200 project to a different

OIT model (not available for the OIT5400). Please note that because there are

differences in operation from one OIT model to another, in most cases this export routine

cannot perform a 100% conversion. For instance, the Control Keys feature is not

exported from one OIT to another. Also, an OIT project file which uses Function Key

LEDs may not be exported to an OIT that does not have Function Key LEDs. The

primary intent of this utility is to convert as much of the project file created for one

particular OIT to another without sacrificing reliability. Therefore, you should always

thoroughly check the converted file to ensure that the project is accurate.



1010-0099, Rev. 07