Transfer the oitware-200 project – Maple Systems OIT Family User Manual
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Transfer the OITware-200 Project
When you receive your OIT from the factory, it does not contain any information on how
it is to operate. Therefore, the first time you download a project to the OIT you must also
download the Operational Software. Downloading the Operational Software takes
approximately three minutes to complete. Sending only the project file reduces the
download time to approximately 30 seconds.
To download an OITware-200 project to the OIT:
1. Start OITware-200 and open your project.
NOTE:The OIT must be in download/upload mode to accept a project from OITware-200.
2. From the Transfer menu, choose Send to OIT. The OITware-200 - Send To OIT
dialog box appears.
3. Choose the Options button. The Communication Options dialog box appears.
4. In the Download Only group box:
For this condition
Select this option button
The OIT does not contain the OIT
Operational Software (new OITs).
Project, OIT Operational and OIT PLC
Protocol Software
The OIT already contains the OIT
Operational Software, but does not contain
the OIT PLC Protocol Software.
Project and OIT PLC Protocol Software
The OIT already contains the OIT
Operational and OIT PLC Protocol
Project Only
5. If you want to update the OIT’s real-time clock (OIT3250, OIT3600, OIT4450, and
OIT5400 only) with the PC’s date and time, in the OIT Real Time Clock group box,
select the Update? check box.
6. If you want to keep unauthorized users from reading the project in the OIT, in the
Read Protect OIT group box, select the Enable? check box.
7. In the Upload & Download group box, select the COM port option button that
corresponds to the COM port the OIT is connected to. If you are unsure, choose the
Auto Detect button.
NOTE:To use the Auto Detect feature, the OIT must be in download/upload mode and properly
connected to the PC.
8. Choose the Done button to return to the OITware-200 - Send To OIT dialog box.
9. Choose the OK button to start the transfer.
When the transfer is complete, the OIT restarts. The OIT is now ready to communicate
with the PLC.
NOTE: If you are unable to transfer the project file to the OIT, please consult Appendix C:
Troubleshooting section.
Getting Started
1010-0099, Rev. 07