Cur rent mes sage reg is ter (cmr) 23, Key coils 23, Current message register (cmr) – Maple Systems OIT Family User Manual
Page 23

is shipped to its final destination, the OIT operator places the OIT into the setup mode
and selects which language is to be displayed.
To enable the multi-language feature:
1. In OITware, select the Configuration menu, then select Message Control Settings.
2. Check Enable Multiple-Language Support checkbox under Language Settings.
3. Use the pull-down box to select how many languages you want supported: 2, 5, or 10.
4. Select which Default Language you want the OIT to use on startup.
For example, suppose that you want to create a project that supports two languages:
English and Spanish. After enabling the Multiple-Language feature, you select 2
Languages. You decide that Language 0 (screens 1-250) will represent English and
Language 1 (screens 251-500) will represent Spanish. Therefore, you create all of your
English language screens using screens 1-250. Then using screens 251-500, you would
create the Spanish counterpart, using the Copy-Paste feature of OITware then changing
all English text to Spanish. So Screen #1 (English) would correspond to Screen #251
(Spanish), etc. You would configure all keys on the OIT that are used to display screens
for screens 1-250. You would design the PLC ladder logic so that it would display only
Language 0 screens (1-250). If the Default Language setting is Language 0 (in the OIT
Message Control Settings dialog box), the screens 1-250 would be displayed.
If the Default Language setting is Language 1, then an offset is automatically added to
each screen request by the OIT. For example, if the number 10 is placed into the MRR
by the controller, the OIT will add +250 to this number, causing screen #260 to be
displayed. This is how the OIT is able to display a ‘different language’ even though the
same screen # is called.
Changing the language using OIT setup:
Once the project has been created and downloaded into the OIT, the operator can always
change to a different language by entering into Setup mode, (see Chapter 11: Other OIT
Operating Modes, Setup Mode). If the multiple language feature is enabled, then the OIT
will display “Change Language? Yes” after entering setup mode. Use the TOGGLE key
to alternate between Yes and No. Press the ENTER key at the Yes prompt to display
“Language: 0”. Then use the TOGGLE key to increment the Language selection.
Current Message Register (CMR)
The OIT can be programmed to send the number representing the screen currently
displayed on the OIT to a data register in the PLC called the Current Message Register.
The OIT can be programmed to place numbers into the CMR in decimal or BCD format.
This register can be used by the PLC to determine which screen is shown on the OIT. It
might be used to determine if a specific alarm screen has been acknowledged by the OIT
operator or it might be used to determine which screen in a chained sequence is currently
being displayed. To use the CMR, it must be enabled and have a PLC address assigned to
it in the OIT Message Control Settings dialog box in OITware-200 (from the
Configuration menu, choose Message Control Settings).
Operational Overview
1010-0099, Rev. 07