Error injection on packets in initiator – Teledyne LeCroy Sierra SAS_SATA Protocol Analyzer STX API Reference Manual User Manual

Page 85

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Sierra SAS/SATA Protocol Suite, STX Software API Reference Manual

Using Initiator/Host Emulator API Functions 85

Error Injection on Packets in Initiator

To set an Error Injection on packets in Initiator, get an Instance of Initiator Error Injection

Interface. First, declare an Instance variable for the initiator Error Injection, and then Query it

using the QueryInterface () function of the Exerciser Engine.
(Refer to ATAPISample -> ATAPISampleDoc.h -> CATAPISampleDoc ().)

(Refer to ATAPISample -> ATAPISampleDoc.cpp -> OnNewDocument ().)



m_pExerciserEngine-> QueryInterface (



After obtaining a hold to the Error Injection interface, use its methods to set Error Injection on

Outgoing frames, on Incoming frames, and on Outgoing Open Error.
QueryInterface ()

HRESULT QueryInterface (REFIID riid, void** ppv);


-> QueryInterface (__uuidof (),



REFIID riid: ID of a reference object of an Interface

Void** ppv: Void reference to hold the instantiated address of the interface

Return Value None
Description Call QueryInterface () to query the Initiator Error Injection Interface.