Open a saved capture project, Open a saved analyzer capture project – Teledyne LeCroy Sierra SAS_SATA Protocol Analyzer STX API Reference Manual User Manual

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Sierra SAS/SATA Protocol Suite, STX Software API Reference Manual

Using Analyzer API 55

CSerialSCSIExtraction::DumpAndExtract ()

int DumpAndExtract (_bstr_t bstrSampleFileName);


-> DumpAndExtract ();


BSTR bstrSampleFileName: BSTR format of the sample file path and name

Return Value Returns zero if success, otherwise an error code.
Description Call the DumpAndExtract () method to upload and create the sample data from

an Analyzer into the specified sample file name.

Open a Saved Capture Project

To open a saved capture project, call the Open () function of the capture project object with File

path and Error code as IN and OUT parameters, respectively.

(Refer to TestCaptureProject -> TestCaptureProjectView.cpp ->


m_pICaptureProject->Open (bstrFileName, NULL, FALSE);