Teledyne LeCroy Sierra SAS_SATA Protocol Analyzer STX API Reference Manual User Manual
Page 75

Sierra SAS/SATA Protocol Suite, STX Software API Reference Manual
Using Initiator/Host Emulator API Functions 75
Function Prototypes and Descriptions
(Refer to
Create a New Analyzer Capture Project
for prototype and description of
CSerialSCSICaptureProject::New ().)
Run, Stop and Create-Sample for an Initiator Capture Project
To run the newly created capture project, call the Run () function of the Capture Project object
and use the SetTimer () function to check the running status of the hardware in regular
(Refer to ATAPISample -> ATAPISampleView.cpp -> OnRunButton ().)
m_pICaptureProject->Run ();
SetTimer (IDT_RUN, 1000, NULL);
To manage the running status conditions, declare and implement an OnTimer () function that
includes hardware status checking functions of the SAS General Service Object, such as
IsHWRunning () and IsHWTriggered ().
(Refer to ATAPISample -> ATAPISampleView.cpp -> OnTimer ().)
To stop the running hardware, kill the timer by calling the KillTimer () function with the same
event index, and then call the HalAnalyzerStop () function of the SAS General Service Object to
finally bring the hardware to halt.
(Refer to ATAPISample -> ATAPISampleView.cpp -> OnTimer () /
OnStopButton ().)
KillTimer (IDT_RUN);